Sunday, July 26, 2015

Tony Campolo is delusionary

Not too long ago Tony Campolo wrote an article about why Christians should vote for Hillary ( There are several points in that article to disagree with, but the one that is most problematic is his insistence that Hillary would be good for the pro-life movement and that she has a plan to reduce abortions by 50%. I would like to suggest that Tony Campolo is delusional.

First, Hillary Clinton is pro-choice all the way. Bill used to like to say that abortion should be safe, legal and rare. How well did the Clinton’s do on the “rare” part of that formula when they were in power? They failed completely because they never tried—it was just a talking point. If Hillary were honest, her moto would be that abortion should be safe, legal, paid for by the government and available at any time in a pregnancy for any reason even when the fetus is viable and can feel pain. It may have slipped by people like Tony, but the Democrats almost shut down the government earlier this year because Democrats want to use public funds to pay for abortion and Hillary is one of those Democrats. Think I’m wrong? Simple, ask Hillary to fully and publically support the Hyde Amendment. She will never do it.

Think I am wrong about her wanting to allow abortion at any time for any reason? Ask her to sign a pledge to outlaw abortion for viable fetuses for sex selection. The vast majority of Americans are on board with that and look with horror at the true war on women when they are killed in the womb simply because they are female and they also reject the horror of aborting a viable fetus. Not Hillary. She will oppose any restrictions on abortion. Just this past week she called the Wisconsin law protecting the lives of viable infants “Extreme and Unacceptable.” Tony’s argument that we simply need to enable single motherhood and things will be much better and, presto! chango! abortion will fall by 50% is tragically wrong headed. There is a simple formula which is well known for reducing poverty. If you want to be a parent and you do not want to live in poverty, you need to do the following steps:

  • 1. Finish High School
  • 2. Get a job
  • 3. Get married
  • 4. Only have babies after you and your spouse have completed steps 1-3, and remember that you will not have babies if you do not have sex

    This is not a moral statement; it is a practical economic statement. Every child needs to know this but there is not one national Democrat who will tell kids this and that is another tragedy.

    And if you are concerned about the economy and jobs, who should you listen to, Democrats or Republicans? We had a huge debate during the Great Recession about how to create jobs. The Democrat’s answer was that the best way to create jobs is to increase the size of unemployment checks. Seriously, we create jobs by increasing unemployment. That was the mantra of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Republicans stopped that policy in 2014 and 2/5 of the total increase in jobs for 2014 was directly attributable to that change in policy.

    Do you wonder why there are so many Republican candidates and so few Democrats? Look at how the several states did during the Great Recession, the contrast could not be starker. Republican states did well, Democrat states did not. That’s why we have only one former Democrat governor running for president. What would the Democrat governors tell the rest of the country: My state failed, elect me as president so I can fail for you too? And then we have the Democrat legislators. What are they to say, “Elect me and I will create jobs by paying people not to work?” Only a real socialist like Bernie Sanders could say things like that with a straight face.

    No, the only thing that the Democrats have going for them is the 10th commandment, “thou shall not covet.” Democrats have figured out that the 10th commandment is relevant to politics and that many people have a lot of trouble with the 10th commandment. Unfortunately, while that message will always get people going, it is bad economics.

    If we elect any Democrat as President of the United States, we will see an increase in abortion, period. Views like Tony’s are purely delusionary.

  • Thursday, July 16, 2015

    The best alternative in the Iran situation is Thorium

    I really want someone, somewhere to suggest an alternative to the Iran situation. Iran claims that they want a nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes, so let’s just give them one. Let’s build Thorium nuclear reactors and give one or more to Iran.

    We can make nuclear reactors out of Uranium, Plutonium or Thorium. Why have we not done Thorium and if it is so great, why hasn’t anyone heard of it? Two reasons:

  • 1. You cannot build bombs from Thorium. Thorium reactors actually burn a small amount of Uranium or Plutonium to get started, but the waste product from Thorium cannot be used for a bomb. The only reason we chose Uranium and Plutonium was so that we could build bombs.
  • 2. Jimmy Carter listened to the extreme environmentalists of his day and killed all nuclear reactors. In his day, nuclear reactors were the great evil and Carter killed them.

    With Thorium, you do not need a pressure dome so episodes like Fukushima are impossible! Storage of the waste product does not have any of the same difficulties as Uranium and Plutonium.

    With Thorium, of course, there are no greenhouse gases. The current “green” solutions of wind and solar are actually much less “green” than Thorium.

    We could give Iran a Thorium reactor and, if they misbehaved, turn it off. Call their bluff about only wanting nuclear reactors for the energy by giving it to them!

    There are people with money for whom Thorium is a crusade and they would give a candidate money if they adopted this issue. So come on, someone please get on board!