Thursday, July 16, 2015

The best alternative in the Iran situation is Thorium

I really want someone, somewhere to suggest an alternative to the Iran situation. Iran claims that they want a nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes, so let’s just give them one. Let’s build Thorium nuclear reactors and give one or more to Iran.

We can make nuclear reactors out of Uranium, Plutonium or Thorium. Why have we not done Thorium and if it is so great, why hasn’t anyone heard of it? Two reasons:

  • 1. You cannot build bombs from Thorium. Thorium reactors actually burn a small amount of Uranium or Plutonium to get started, but the waste product from Thorium cannot be used for a bomb. The only reason we chose Uranium and Plutonium was so that we could build bombs.
  • 2. Jimmy Carter listened to the extreme environmentalists of his day and killed all nuclear reactors. In his day, nuclear reactors were the great evil and Carter killed them.

    With Thorium, you do not need a pressure dome so episodes like Fukushima are impossible! Storage of the waste product does not have any of the same difficulties as Uranium and Plutonium.

    With Thorium, of course, there are no greenhouse gases. The current “green” solutions of wind and solar are actually much less “green” than Thorium.

    We could give Iran a Thorium reactor and, if they misbehaved, turn it off. Call their bluff about only wanting nuclear reactors for the energy by giving it to them!

    There are people with money for whom Thorium is a crusade and they would give a candidate money if they adopted this issue. So come on, someone please get on board!

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